Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Marijuana Analysis Essay Example For Students

Marijuana Analysis Essay Cannabis Sativa (marijuana) has been thought tobe an illegal and very harmful drug for many years. But asyou read this report you will learn that marijuana has beenaround for many years (most years legal) and isnt asharmful as some people may think. Marijuana has beenused for many things in the past, including medicine, hemprope, crude cloth and enjoyment. Now it is mainly used asa narcotic. Marijuana is an illegal weed that grows up toeighteen feet tall with little or no cultivation. The plant hasmany branches that extend with large, hairy, pointed leaveswith saw tooth edges. Marijuana grows wild all over theworld and in some states and countries its legal. Cloth andrope are made from the stem which contains a tough fibercalled hence. The mind-altering drug in marijuana is calledDelta-9-Tetrahydrocannibinol, or THC. The mildest formof marijuana contains between zero to three percent ofTHC. Most of the THC is contained in the resign, which issecreted around the flowers, seeds, and to pmast leaves. Until recently it was thought that only the female plantcontained the drug. But it is now known that both thefemale and the male plants contain THC. THC stays in thebody for about 28 days. Marijuana can be prepared manydifferent ways therefore it has many different ways ofentering the body. When smoked the THC goes into thelungs, directly into the bloodstream and to every cell in yourbody. The effects depend upon the level of potency andhow much is consumed. The main effects of smoking are:the heart rate may increase from 80 beats to 150 beats aminute, the bronchial tubes enlarge and become relaxedallowing extra oxygen to enter the body, giving a High likefeeling. There are no immediate physiological effects. Thefeeling usually lasts from one to three hours. Marijuana canalso be ingested as a drink, cakes, brownies or many otherfoods. When consumed in foods the effects start after onehalf-hour and last from three to four hours. The potency ofMarijuana has increased at least ten times or 275% sincethe 1960s. Marijuana can be measured by its therapeuticratio, (the difference between the size of the dose neededfor the desired effect and the! size that producespoisoning). The therapeutic ratio in marijuana has yet to befound. The negative long term effects of heavy marijuanause are, possible lung cancer, heart attacks in juveniles,strokes in people under forty, and it depletes the brain ofserotonin and the user may lose his sense of well being ormay become depressed. The user may lose his short-termmemory, but after a week of not using it is usually regained. High Times Magazine. Marijuana contains about 400chemicals that break down into 2000 or more. One jointcontains as much tar as fourteen cigarettes. HumanRelations Media The traditional medications used to treatAIDS sufferers cause a wide range of side effects. Virtuallythe only medicine capable of treating the entire spectrum ofside effects without causing harm to the user is marijuana. There are now 30 diseases listed under the conditionknown as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, AIDS. Most AIDS sufferers will contract several of these 30during the course of their illness before finally succumbingto one of them. The traditional medications used in boththeir treatment and as prophylaxisor preventioncause awide range of side effects, including loss of appetite,nausea, headaches, depression, pain, disorientation andfevers. Virtually the only medicine capable of treating theentire spectrum of side effects without causing harm to theuser is marijuana. Naturally, it remains illegal. Provided bythe High Times website. Marijuana is one of the oldestand widely used drugs in the world. It is the second mostpopular intoxicant, next to alcohol. There are two hundredmillion users in the country, and sixty million say that theyhave tried it. Only 40% of high school students graduatedin 1995 without ever trying it. Approximately 33% ofpeople who try it become regular users within three to fiveyears. Smugglers traveling to the U.S.A. from Columbia,Jamaica, and Mexico bring in five billion dollars worth eachyear. Recently a large ship was spotted off of the U.S. A Writing Experience Essaycoast unloading thirty-three tons of marijuana ontoAmerican soil. There have been over 9 million arrests formarijuana-law violations in the United States since 1965,with another arrest every 2 minutes. Over 80% of thesearrests are for possession for personal consumption,according to the FBIs Uniform Crime Reports. Many ofthe 20% that are labeled sale/manufacturing in the FBIsreport actually involve cultivation for personal use orpossession of an amount large enough (usually over anounce) that the police infer possession with intent todistribute, even though it might actually have been forpersonal consumption. But in Singapore and Malaysia itsanother story. There, the death penalty is handed out toanyone in possession of drugs. In twenty years twohundred and fifty people have been hung for possession. Marijuana can be used for more than just the illegal use ofgetting high. As you have read, it helps in medicine and thestem can be used to make clothes or rope. Marijuana isone of the mildest drugs out there and the one of the onlydrugs that serves another purpose besides a trip or ahigh. Marijuana Analysis Essay Example For Students Marijuana Analysis Essay Some call it the demon weed some call it just plane fun well hereis the official statistics on the plant known as Marijuana. Forstarters well go with the health part of the plant. Many Educational and or other health videos in school have you believe thatMarijuana is going to ruin your life and leave you brain dead, but therehas been no known proof that it has had any long term brain damage tothe human brain. The only damage suggested by American MedicalAssociation (AMA) is that it effects the short term memory and they onlybelieve your memory will be affected as long as you smoke it in largeamounts afterwards when you quit they say memory should return tonormal. The AMA also states that the drug is better in your lungs thanTabacco in the way that it does less damage because people smoke it lessto get the effects needed. They also say that you still shouldnt smokeit and it would be healthier to ingest the drug. There have also beenfalse reports made on the drug to scare people away f rom using it. Forinstance Dr. Gabriel Nahas was fired for falsifying reports that thedrug did kill humans by experimenting on monkeys. He put the animalsinto a room and exposed them to proportionally more Marijuana than ahuman would smoke in a life time to prove his point, but he hid the factof the amount of smoke used. The AMA supports the legalization ofMarijuana because its applications to medical use in many ways. Deaths due to weed. So far there have been no deaths due toMarijuana recorded, in fact the only way to actually overdose on thedrug is by smoking three quarters of a ton of it in fifteen minutes!!yes you heard it folks fifteen minutes! Doing this is humanlyimpossible in fact you are more likely to pass out before accomplishingthis task. The only deaths are related to people using the drug thentrying to perform other tasks like driving or to perform some other taskwhich involves large amounts of concentration. In fact a only 75 peoplein America are killed in Marijuana r elated incidents a year. Here is a chart showing the deaths in overdose and or long term use ofother drugs in comparison to Marijuana per year. *Tabbacco.. 340,000-395,000 Alcohol (excluding accident or crime) 125,000 +Prescription 24,000-27,000Illegal Drugs (excluding Marijuana). 3,800-5,200Marijuana 0* Source Government Bureau of Mortality StatisticsThe drug hasnt been involved in many if at all any violentcrimes. In fact Federal Bureau of Narcotics Director Harry Anslingerreports that Marijuana is not a violence inducing drug, it is the exactopposite it is a anti-violent drug or a pacifist. Every year Twentymillion people either smoke or attempt to smoke the drug they includeArtists, Musicians, Writers, Inventors and yes even Lawyers. He saysthat they could be some of the happiest people you know. 🙂Marijuana is in no way addictive and the statement of the drugbeing a stepping stone for greater more dangerous drugs is false. Studies have shown that it has the same effect as Caffeine, sugar, oralcohol. The only crimes usually ever committed are having thepossession or smoking the drug. THCTHC or Tetrahydrocannabinol is the active ingredient in Marijuanait causes minor hallucinations, what appears to be the slowing down oftime and is also considered a downer or depressant. THC can be found inthree forms Marijuana, Hashish, and Hashish Oil. Marijuana or Cannabissativa also known weed the most widely used for of THC and is theonly plant known to produce it. The plant is most commonly know as aweed usually takes six to seven months to start budding the bud is thepart of the plant that is usually smoked and or eaten. The plantrequires a rather warm and moist place to grow properly. If not grownproperly the plants THC level is reduced dramatically. Hashish is defined in the websters dictionary as a narcoticderived from hemp that is chewed, smoked or drunk for its intoxicatingeffects. Well I guess that is about the best way you could put it. Hashish is most widely used in the Netherlands and Germany in placescalled well Hashish Bars. There you can purchase it and use it w hichis very uncommon for most countries because it is illegal every whereelse. Hashish Oil is pretty much the same thing but it is in an oilform therefor making it more potent. The first known use of marijuana is in 8000 B.C. where it was usedfor clothing and other useful little items. The first known time thatmarijuana was smoked was in the year 2700 B.C. in the country of Chinafor religious purposes. Famous people that are have said to smoke thedrug were Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, and yesit was even rumored that John F. Kennedy Jr. was to have smoked itbecause it remedied his back problems. How Marijuana is SmokedThere are many different ways that people have invented to smokeit. The three main ways are the Joint, the Bowl, and one of the mostliked styles the Bong. Joints are one of the most commonly used typesof weed smoking. It involves using a small sheet of paper calledrolling papers these can be bought at any local convenience store. Youroll the Marij uana by hand into the paper like a cigarette. Another common way of taking in the smoke is through a small pipeor Bowl. This is the easiest version of smoking it in that you onlyhave to put the drug into a relatively small container like you wouldstuff Tabacco into a pipe. These are usually found in Cigarette andTabacco selling locations. Canadian Health Care VS. U.S. Health Care EssayThe least common but healthiest way to smoke the drug is throughwhat the inventive, yet scientifically smart smokers have come up withcalled a Bong. This device has many features to it, for instance youuse water in this device to filter out the worst part of the smoke andleave nearly all THC. Some Bongs and Bowls come with what smokers calla carb which increases the hits intensity and volume. The governments standing on Marijuana seems to be constantlychanging. Most States spend millions of dollars in trying to control thesubstance and stop its use and distribution. Some people think that itsa waste of time to spend the money and time on doing so but others seemto feel differently about it ( probably because they never used itbefore ) and try to futile stamp out its use. Just recently Californiapass a law saying that it was legal to have the possession of and smokethe drug but only for medical use and even then the law is very stricton the people that smoke it legally. Drug testing for Marijuana is relatively simple yet kind of odd. Adoctor will walk up to you with a small plastic disposable cup and hewill ask you for a urine sample. Now do not take offense at this, thisis what you have to do for the test hes not some weirdo asking for aurine sample for his collection back at home. He will then take thesample to a lab and go through the gruesome progress of seeing if youurine sample has traces of THC in it the average test will take about aday. There are a few good but extremely odd ways of defeating the testif you now your going to test positive one of which is a pill calledGolden seal not much is known about how it does it but it does flushyour system of the drug. Another way is a little more odd than thefirst you drink lots of vinegar (yuk!) I know what your going to say Iwont do that ever! Well your wrong when it comes down to it, if younice paying job is on the line well chug chug chug away cause that isa qu ick way to do it. There is another way to test for Marijuana and that is though hairsampling. This process is allot more expensive than urine sampling butit is more effective in detecting the drug. In fact the only way to notget detected is to shave every single hair off your body, and thatmeans EVERY hair including eyelashes, eyebrows, armpit hairs, leg hairs,arm hairs, and yes even down in the spot where it counts. If you doknow your going to take a hair test well kiss the job goodbye cause wellI think they will know when you come in for the test with out a singlehair on your body. Well Im going to cut things short hope you dont mind but Imgoing to pass out otherwise. Its been fun ta ta.

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